Category Advice

Top 3 books of 2022 to battle arthritis

Man holding his arm in pain due to arthritis

There’s been a recent trend in “functional medicine” and how it’s much more effective in disease prevention & cure than regular pharmaceutical medicine. There’s also been much more awareness on the importance of “leaky gut” and how the food we’ve…

Is grain bad? Not inherently.

Person holding a piece of wheat

Grain has been a staple in our diet for centuries, from bread and pasta to rice and oats. Almost every American’s diet contains some form of grain. There’s even the hype of “whole-grain” in promoting health. But does something staple…

Healthy gut = 10x healthy mind. Here’s why

Person sitting against wall in emotional pain

The mind = the gut Unhappy mind = unhappy gut: A 2009 study done by Adverse Childhood Experiences study (ACE) showed that early childhood trauma is linked to gut complications & autoimmune diseases in later decades of life, resulting in…

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