Healthy gut = 10x healthy mind. Here’s why

The mind = the gut

Unhappy mind = unhappy gut: A 2009 study done by Adverse Childhood Experiences study (ACE) showed that early childhood trauma is linked to gut complications & autoimmune diseases in later decades of life, resulting in diseases like arthritis, as thoroughly explained in this book.

For those who’ve been through tons of stress, feeling bloated or having gut pains is no stranger. Though stress is not bad, placing the brain under tremendous amounts of stress or trauma means that stress hormones stay in your body for longer than they should. Prolonged exposure to these hormones damages the gut and intestinal linings.

Use that to our advantage — Happy gut = happy mind.

Instead of telling ourselves to “be happy, don’t stress” (which rarely works anyways), we can start with the gut. Treating the gut well means we give our minds the space to think clearer.

This means…

  • Stop eating foods with wheat, grain, lectins.
  • Stop eating processed foods, with GMO or chemicals in it.
  • Start eating organic foods that are free of gut-damaging chemicals.
  • Start eating probiotics & fermented foods that help rebuild your gut bacteria.

Check out this 2-week program on how you can jumpstart your gut & mind.

Stop treating. Start curing.

Today’s medical culture, at least in America, places tons of emphasis on pills that offer treatment to numb the pain.

Instead, we want to take a “functional medicine” approach, in which we actually identify the core problem and attempt to solve it. In this case, we have seen & proven that gut is interlinked with the mind.

As a personal testament, after 3 months of eating gluten-free, organic, free-range, vitamin-full diet, Chef Gong was able to grow his hair and relieve all his joint pains on his hands.

That’s the power of the gut. Let’s start using this power to become a better version of ourselves.

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