Paleo-people avoid these 3 cooking oils, for the sake of gut health

Oils are a key component of our diet. It goes into almost every food we ingest. Oils are important for our body to absorb nutrients from vegetables.

However, there are certain oils that are extremely unhealthy, despite it’s benefits. Imagine spending the next 50 years of your life ingesting the worst oils every single day. Imagine how much damage your gut would have gone through.

That’s why it’s time to stop cooking or eating foods with oils that are damaging for your gut.

Below are the top 3 oils you should avoid.

Canola Oil

This oil is

  • Genetically modified
  • Not from a natural plant, was scientifically made
  • Heavily processed, resulting in very little nutrients and important amino acids
  • High concentration of omega-6 fats, which leads to inflammation

This type of oil is common many fast foods and American restaurants. Be on the lookout for foods that use canola oil.

Soybean oil

This oil is

  • Heavily refined and processed, resulting in very little nutrients and amino acids
  • Often grown with pesticides, which are super harmful for your intestines over time

A ton of Asian restaurants use this type of oil, so be wary of how food are cooked when you go outside to eat.

Peanut oil

This oil is

  • Heavy in lectins. Peanuts are known to have high lectin content, a compound that is takes away healthy nutrients from your guts over time
  • Often grown with pesticides, which are super harmful for your intestines over time
  • High in sodium and trans-fat, known to trigger inflammation

A ton of Asian restaurants use this type of oil, so be wary of how food are cooked when you go outside to eat.

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