2-week jump-start diet to tackle leaky gut

Sometimes, all we need is a little spark to ignite our mission to becoming healthy. This is made more necessary especially as we are more prone to physical pains like arthritis as we grow older.

These physical pains can often be attributed to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Eating food that are heavily processed introduces tons of chemicals to the body that slowly destroy the body over many years, resulting in conditions like cancer and diabetes.

Below is a recommended 2-week jump-start diet & nutrition program that can be a starting point for long-term healthy lifestyle.

Vitamins & supplements

Nataliya Vaitkevich at Pexels

Vitamins make up for the lack of nutrients a typical diet can provide.

  • Cod liver oil — Take 3000mg daily, about 2-3 pills.
  • GLA oil capsulres — Take 500mg daily. Altneratives include evening rose or borage oil.
  • MCT oil — Take out 1-2 tablespoons. Alternatives include olive oil capsules, flaxseed oil capsules.
  • Beyond Tangy Multivitamin — Take about 2-4 capsules. Has mixture of probiotics and prebiotics.


Stop eating…Do eat…
Any food with gluten, dairy, or soy
These do not help your intestinal microbiomes do their work and absorb nutritions.
Gluten-free, soy-free food & supplements
We want to give our digestive system an easy time, so that they can absorb the right nutrients for your body.
Processed food, such as sugar, flour, anything GMO
We don’t want any more chemicals damaging our internal organs.
Free-range, organic, non-GMO food
Let’s start getting rid of chemicals in our body and start introducing natural nutrients that the human body is optimized for.
Certain vegetables, such as tomatoes, eggplant, pepper, and nightshades
These are foods with lectins that are known to trigger arthritis.
Lectin-free vegetables
Lectins are proteins that are not inherently bad, but they bind to nutrients that are healthy for you. Their binding prevents your body to absorb these healthy nutrients. Vegetables such as asparagus, garlic, celery, sweet potatoes, avocados, mushrooms and onions are great options.


It’s not just about digestion and nutrient absorption. It’s also about having a healthy mind. Healthy mind = healthy body.

  • Simple exercises — 10 push-ups a day + 10 sit-ups a day is a great start. Day by day, increase the number of reps you do by 5. This is great way to get the blood flowing and keep your mind focused on your body.
  • 1 minute of deep breath — Set some time to take 1 minute out of your 1440 minutes each day to take a deep breath. As you breath, focus on the 5 senses to take your mind away from your current thoughts. This is a great way to give your mind healthy space as you continue your work day.
  • 30-minute walk — Set some time to take a 30-minute walk around where you live. A walk is a great way to let your mind wander and refresh.
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