The 3 best cooking oils for paleo Asian dishes

Oil is such a key component of our diet. Oils help our bodies properly absorb nutrients from vegetables. Oils can also be a great source of nutrients and amino acids.

However, certain oils are healthy while other oils are more harmful than good. We only want to cook with oils that are healthy for our body and help us tackle leaky gut.

Below are 3 of the best cooking oils that promote gut health.

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Extra-virgin Olive oil

Olive oil is unarguably one of the best oils to cook with. Extra-virgin olive oil, in particular, is not heavily processed and contains a ton of monounsaturated fats and fatty acids, which have been linked to better heart health. Olive oil also contains antioxidants like polyphenols that become great pre-biotics for the gut.

Olive oil is best for cooking in low to medium heat.

Find it here on Amazon.

An open coconut in the sand under shades of palm trees
Coconuts, from Pexel

Coconut oil

For cooking in high heat, coconut oil is a great option. Coconut is also great for cooking more Southeast Asian dishes, where the coconut taste is a perfect compliment.

Coconut oil helps the body absorb fat-soluble nutrients, which improves digestion and helps the body tackle leaky gut.

They also contain lauric acid, which is known to kill harmful bacteria.

Find it here on Amazon.

A sliced avocado being held by hands
Avocado, photo from Pexels

Avocado oil

Avocado oil is also great for cooking in high heat, especially when frying your favorite Asian dishes like shrimp, chicken, fried rice, etc.

Avocado oil is nutrient-dense in heart-healthy omega-9 fatty acid and has been shown to assist in absorbing antioxidants, such as caretonoids (source).

Find it here on Amazon.

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